The understanding, knowledge and skills we expect you to have in order to pass the Range Safety & Competency Assessment are below, along with our Range Rules. Each skill needs to be demonstrated using a smallbore & fullbore bolt action rifle, underlever rifle and smallbore semi-automatic rifle. Everything you need to know in order to pass is taught in our Probationary Training, so don't worry if you don't have prior experience or are unsure of a few areas!

Range Safety & Competency Assessment

Knowledge & Understanding of Range Safety

- Be able to follow all of the Range Rules

- Have a good understanding of safe shooting angles and backstops

- Be aware of the people and environment around them, and be able to make others aware of possible dangers or dangerous actions

Proving that the Firearm is Clear

- Be able to show the RO that the firearm is empty and clear of any ammunition

- Be able to transport the firearm around the range safely and according to the Range Rules


- Be able to safely deal with a misfire

- Know how to dispose of ammunition that has undergone a misfire

Loading, Firing & Unloading

- Be able to load, fire and unload the firearm according to the Range Rules safely and competently

Emergency Stop

- Know what to do when the words ’STOP, STOP, STOP’ are heard

- Be able to announce an emergency stop in the appropriate circumstances


- Ensure all shooting remains within the safe shooting angles and backstops

- Be able to boresight and zero the firearm safely and accurately at the required distance

Handling & Accuracy

- Be able to carry out different courses of fire safely and competently

- Be able to shoot the firearm accurately at the appropriate distances

- Be able to handle the firearm without undue difficulty or stress

Range Rules

1. Do not point a firearm at anyone

2. Only point the firearm at your target

3. Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire

4. Always check a firearm is unloaded and safe when picking it up, handing it to or taking it from someone

  • Eye and ear protection must be worn at all times whilst on the range, even when not shooting.
  • Never leave firearms or ammunition unattended.
  • Chamber flags must be inserted into firearms when not in use, and bolts removed if possible.
  • Firearms must be pointed directly downrange when on the firing point with the bolt closed. They must not point over or to the sides of the backstop.
  • A round may only be chambered when the firearm is on target.
  • All firearms are to be cased or on the rack when not on the firing point.
  • Muzzles must be pointed directly upwards with chamber flags visible when firearms are being carried to and from the firing point.
  • Handguns may only be carried holstered with the Range Officer’s permission.
  • Firearms must only be loaded on the firing point. Magazines may be loaded off the firing point but must not be inserted into firearms.
  • No loading or firing may occur until the Range Officer has given permission.
  • Only move in front of the firing line when all the firearms have been unloaded and cleared and the Range Officer has given permission.
  • You must be behind the safety line whenever someone is front of the firing line.
  • “STOP! STOP! STOP!” Stop firing immediately if you hear these emergency words. Keep your firearm pointing at the target and wait quietly for the Range Officer’s instructions. Do not unload until the Range Officer gives the order. Anyone may shout these emergency words.
  • All persons must be the following minimum distances away from a target when it is being shot at, unless permission is granted otherwise by the BRPC Chairman:
    • Shotgun – birdshot & buckshot: 5 metres
    • Rimfire: 5 metres
    • Pistol calibres: 7 metres
    • Shotgun – slug: 40 metres
    • Centrefire rifle: 50 metres

Blue Rifle & Pistol Club Range Rules: